Archive for H1N1

Student Suspended And Assaulted For Handing Out ANTI-VACCINE Flyers

Posted in Attack on Freedom, General, New World Order, News, Stupid Government Tricks, Tyranny with tags , , , , , , , on December 18, 2009 by truthwillrise

Robert Wanek

December 18, 2009

The flyers consisted of simple medical studies that disprove vaccine safety claims by the CDC. On December 16th Breckenridge High School was holding a free vaccination clinic for all willing students, I signed up on the 14th and intended to enter the science room to hand out educational flyers.

When I began handing them out I was physically pushed around by my principal, this didn’t stop me from handing out many more flyers to the waiting students, some of which changed their mind and began to leave the line. After being threatened with arrest and removal from school property, I went back to class.

When I was dismissed at 1:30 I ran back to the clinic. After being physical blocked by a public health official I slid under her arm and began peacefully offering nurses more information. This is when my science teacher Scott Wermerskirchen Assaulted me by pushing, bumping, grabbing, and aggressively ‘bearhugging’ me in an attempt to get my video camera.

The whole altercation was captured on multiple security cameras and seen by over 20 witnesses. The school is refusing to release any video footage, and has not taken action against this teacher. However, the punishment for handing out flyers was a 2 day out of school suspension which was issued to me. This is ludicrous unjust and downright fascist.

Contact the school with your opinions
(Principal Bettin)

Superintendent Schmidt

Every student in this film has given me WRITTEN CONSENT to film and broadcast them, although I did not operate the camera, I therefore avoided breaking any rules.

Aspirin kills 400% more people than H1N1 swine flu

Posted in Life Improvement, News, Poison Foods and Products with tags , , , , , on November 20, 2009 by truthwillrise

Mike Adams
Natural News
November 20, 2009

The CDC now reports that nearly 4,000 Americans have been killed by H1N1 swine flu. This number is supposed to sound big and scary, motivating millions of people to go out and pay good money to be injected with untested, unproven H1N1 vaccines. But let’s put the number in perspective: Did you know that more than four times as many people are killed each year by common NSAID painkillers like aspirin?

The July 1998 issue of The American Journal of Medicine explains it as follows:

“Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone.” (Singh Gurkirpal, MD, “Recent Considerations in Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Gastropathy”, The American Journal of Medicine, July 27, 1998, p. 31S)

So for every person the CDC claims was killed by H1N1 swine flu this year, common painkillers like aspirin have killed four! Yet you don’t see the CDC, FDA, WHO or mainstream media running around screaming about the extreme dangers of aspirin, do you? All those deaths apparently don’t matter. Only swine flu deaths lead to hysteria.

Understanding risk

According to death statistics tables available on the ‘net, you are ten times more likely to die in a car accident this year than be killed by swine flu.

Nearly 100,000 Americans die every year from adverse reactions to FDA-approved prescription drugs. That’s twenty-five times the number of people killed by H1N1 swine flu (even if you believe the CDC’s numbers). So where’s the big warning about the dangers of prescription drugs? Why isn’t the CDC warning Americans about an “epidemic of dangerous drugs” that poses a far greater threat to your health?

The answer, of course, is that health authorities want to push people to buy vaccines that are about to become worthless (they’re only good before swine flu fizzles out). And the only way to sell more vaccines to people who don’t need them is to hype up a bunch of scare stories by citing bold statistics that make H1N1 swine flu seem really, really dangerous.

But the flu is no more dangerous than aspirin. In fact, H1N1 swine flu may be safer than aspirin.

Here’s another quote from the New England Journal of Medicine:

“It has been estimated conservatively that 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur among patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis every year in the United States. This figure is similar to the number of deaths from the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and considerably greater than the number of deaths from multiple myeloma, asthma, cervical cancer, or Hodgkin’s disease. If deaths from gastrointestinal toxic effects from NSAIDs were tabulated separately in the National Vital Statistics reports, these effects would constitute the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Yet these toxic effects remain mainly a “silent epidemic,” with many physicians and most patients unaware of the magnitude of the problem. Furthermore the mortality statistics do not include deaths ascribed to the use of over-the-counter NSAIDS.” (Wolfe M. MD, Lichtenstein D. MD, and Singh Gurkirpal, MD, “Gastrointestinal Toxicity of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs”, The New England Journal of Medicine, June 17, 1999, Vol. 340, No. 24, pp. 1888-1889.)


Did you catch that? The 16,500 figure for deaths each year doesn’t even include over-the-counter painkiller drugs! If you add in those numbers, you’re probably looking at something closer to 40,000 Americans kills each year by these drugs. And that makes these drugs 1000% more deadly than swine flu (because 40,000 is ten times greater than 4,000).

Swine flu vs. seasonal flu

Also according to CDC statistics, swine flu is only approximately one-tenth as dangerous as regular seasonal flu. That’s because the CDC maintains that seasonal flu kills 36,000 Americans each year (a figure that I’ve already pointed out is highly suspect, but that’s what they claim).

But even seasonal flu is nothing to get all worked up over. Unless you’re in a state of terrible health with a compromised immune system, obesity and asthma, beating seasonal flu is a no-brainer: Just nourish your body with vitamin D, zinc, superfoods and natural health supplements and let your built-in immune technology do its job. Your immune system has already saved your life countless times. It knows how to do it if you give it the right nutrition.

There are lots of things that are far more dangerous than swine flu and yet are openly sold to consumers. Over 400,000 Americans die each year from smoking and yet you can buy cigarettes at Walgreens, Wal-Mart and CVS pharmacies. That means statistically, these pharmacies knowingly sell a product that kills 400 times as many people as swine flu has this year. Where’s the alarm about the epidemic of tobacco-related deaths? Nowhere. Not a word from the CDC or WHO.

Also, if pharmacies really cared about your health, why do they openly sell a product that causes cancer and heart disease? Think about it…

They’re just trying to sell you something that will harm you

The fact is, pharmacies will sell anything that makes money: Tobacco, processed junk food, and of course H1N1 vaccines. If they could make money selling influenza, they’d sell that, too. To the pharmaceutical retailers, it doesn’t matter how many people die from the products they sell. They’re just in business to sell anything that turns a profit, regardless of the consequences to public health.

And the vaccine industry is similarly motivated to sell you false ideas that make money. By selling you on the concept that swine flu is extremely dangerous, they can manipulate you into buying yet more harmful stuff they’re hawking at pharmacies… like H1N1 vaccines. And they’re counting on the fact that the American people won’t do the math (or can’t).

Most people have a very poor understanding of risk, and the vaccine industry is counting on precisely that risk assessment ineptitude to push its dangerous vaccines. If people knew that they are 40 times more likely to be struck by lightning than to have their life saved by a swine flu vaccine, very few would line up to be injected with one. But they don’t grasp the difference between numbers that are very far apart such as 10^2 versus 10^5. To many people, those factors are “about the same” and it’s worth getting injected with a vaccine “just in case.”

That’s why I’ve always stated a simple truth that still holds true today: People who seek out vaccine shots are the same kind of people who regularly play the lotto. Both decisions demonstrate a complete lack of understanding risk vs. reward. In fact, if you get a swine flu vaccine injection on the same day you buy a lotto ticket, you have a greater chance of buying a winning lotto ticket than being saved by the swine flu vaccine.

Playing the lotto is actually smarter than getting a swine flu vaccine shot. Plus, the lotto ticket won’t potentially cause neurological damage that puts you in a coma or causes the spontaneous abortion of your baby — both of which have been happening to people after receiving H1N1 vaccine shots.

Canadians wary of swine flu vaccine

Posted in Attack on Freedom, False Flag Terror, New World Order, News, Poison Foods and Products with tags , , , , on October 26, 2009 by truthwillrise

OTTAWA — Most Canadians are skeptical of the swine flu threat and of the vaccine to fight it, a survey suggested on Monday as the country’s largest-ever vaccination program in Canada got underway.

Fifty-one percent of 1,000 Canadians surveyed by polling firm Strategic Counsel for the daily Globe and Mail newspaper said they would not get vaccinated against the deadly A(H1N1) flu virus, while 49 percent said they wanted a flu shot.

The poll gave no margin of error because the respondents answered voluntarily through an online survey. A similar survey in July showed 62 percent saying they planned to get a swine flu shot.

The split reflects lingering concerns that the vaccine developed by GlaxoSmithKline has not been fully tested and that the influenza outbreak is not very serious, pollster Tim Woolstencroft told the newspaper.

“There has been a real drop-off in the desire to have the vaccination shot,” he said, due mostly to safety concerns and the view that health officials “have been crying wolf too many times” about the threat posed.

The swine flu has so far contributed to 86 deaths in Canada, more than 1,500 hospitalizations and close to 300 critical care ward admissions, according to Health Canada.

Even so, 59 percent of respondents said they believe the swine flu is no more dangerous than the common cold. Only seven percent thought it could be life-threatening.

Aboriginals, youths and medical staff — groups believed to be most at risk of serious infection — received the first round of swine flu shots on Thursday.

A national vaccination campaign kicked off Monday.

Canadian province may suspend flu shots after vaccine’s safety questioned

Posted in New World Order, News, Poison Foods and Products with tags , , , , on September 30, 2009 by truthwillrise

Canwest News Service
September 29, 2009


  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
  • efoods

B.C. might suspend the seasonal flu shots as early as today, in the wake of a Canadian study that suggests people who get the flu vaccine are twice as likely to contract the H1N1 virus.


Several news outlets reported the preliminary findings of the study, which is still under peer review. Researchers found that those who received the seasonal flu vaccine in the past were more likely to catch H1N1.

While the research was initially met with much skepticism from health officials, several provinces, including Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Nova Scotia, have suspended seasonal flu shots for anyone younger than 65, the Globe and Mail newspaper is reporting in its Monday editions.

Read entire article

Quad City Hospitals Make Flu Shots Mandatory

Posted in Attack on Freedom, False Flag Terror, News, Poison Foods and Products with tags , , , , on September 23, 2009 by truthwillrise

Updated: Sep 22, 2009 03:26 PM CDT

In year’s past, Quad City hospitals highly recommended the flu shot to employees. This year, they’re a requirement. If you work for Genesis or Trinity, whether you’re a doctor in the back or a greeter up front, you must get a seasonal flu shot. Adminstators say it’s all about protecting their patients.

“If you have staff that perhaps have influenza, have influenza-like symptoms or they haven’t manifested yet and they’re caring for patients, we’re putting our patients at risk,” Erin Lounsberry with Trinity Regional Health System said.

With H1N1 in our midst and hospitals planning for a major seasonal flu outbreak, local hospitals aren’t taking any chances. A letter to employees at Trinity says the only exceptions will be for medical reasons. In that case, the employee has to have a doctor’s note.

Ken Croken with Genesis Health System says it’s the same at their hospitals. “The most common medical exemption for a flu vaccine is an allergy to egg or egg product because generally the flu vaccine is made of eggs,” he explained.

If an employee does not have a medical reason and refuses to get the flu shot there will be consequences. In the most extreme case it will be termination.

“This is not if you refuse to get a flu shot then you’re fired. If somebody has a clean record and they don’t have any corrective action on their employee record then it will be noted in their file,” Lounsberry said.

So far Trinity says any concern over the flu shot requirement has been minimal. Genesis notes none. They’re also encouraged because last year, when the flu shot was not a requirement, at least 90 percent of employees got one anyway.

Federal Prison Under Swine Flu Quarantine in Memphis

Posted in Attack on Freedom, New World Order, News, Poison Foods and Products, Police State/Martial Law with tags , , , , on September 16, 2009 by truthwillrise

Shane Myers
September 16, 2009

MEMPHIS, TN – A federal prison in Memphis has been quarantined because of an outbreak of Swine Flu, according to a court document.

 United States Attorney Lawrence J. Laurenzi says in the document, prisoners are not allowed to leave FCI Memphis for court appearances because of the H1N1 quarantine.

Laurenzi said, “The United States Marshall’s Service has advised that the facility will reassess the situation on September 21, 2009.”

Prison officials have not released any information about the situation at this time.