Archive for False Flag

Gerald Celente: Scenario set up for next war

Posted in "Terrorism", 9/11, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, Gerald Cilente, International Bankers, Multi-National Corporations, New World Order, the 9/11 Files with tags , , , , on November 12, 2010 by truthwillrise
GeraldCelenteChannel | November 11, 2010

Gerald Celente: Scenario set up for next war

Trends Journal:


Alex Jones: Glenn Beck Says Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition!!

Posted in "Terrorism", 9/11, Alex Jones, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic,, New World Order, News,, Shadow Government, the 9/11 Files with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 12, 2010 by truthwillrise
TheAlexJonesChannel | November 11, 2010

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
November 11, 2010

In an unprecedented outburst on his Fox News show earlier this week, Glenn Beck identified the threat that we have been warning about for over a year, that the powers behind the Obama administration are preparing to stage a false flag event that will be blamed on its political opposition to derail the movement against big government.

Discussing how the leftists need violence to realize their political agenda, Beck featured a clip that we wrote an article about on Sunday, where former Clintonite and Democrat operative Mark Penn says Obama needs an OKC bombing-style event to regain his popularity.

“Remember, President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right?” said Penn on Chris Matthews’ Hardball show on Thursday. “And the president right now seems removed. It wasn’t until that speech [after the bombing] that [Clinton] really clicked with the American public. Obama needs a similar” defining moment, according to Penn.

As we have documented, Penn is not the only prominent insider to invoke exploitation of terror as a means of reinvigorating the big government agenda. Back in July, former senior advisor to President Bill Clinton Robert Shapiro wrote in the Financial Times that only an OKC bombing or 9/11 style event could provide Obama with the opportunity to demonstrate that he is a strong leader.

After reading a letter written by Tides CEO and founder Drummond Pike that encouraged advertisers to boycott Fox News in a thinly veiled threat that implied Beck’s rhetoric is leading to another OKC bombing, Beck stated, “They are setting up an Oklahoma City, they are claiming that one is coming and they’re already marked the one who caused it,” referring to himself.

The fact that Beck is mimicking our talking point on the threat of staged terror is another indication that he employs a team of researchers to listen regularly to the Alex Jones Show, as a prominent Fox insider told us directly earlier this year. The accuracy of the source was verified after Lou Dobbs was confirmed as joining Fox News, something we had predicted after also being told this would happen by the same source.

After years of Beck ridiculing so-called conspiracy theorists for talking about the government staging 9/11 or the Gulf of Tonkin, he is now finally beginning to realize the fact that major catalyzing events are often staged for political purposes.

Beck follows in the footsteps of fellow talk show host Michael Savage, who after similarly deriding anyone who talked about government staged terror as a conspiracy nut, is now using similar rhetoric. During his show on March 3 2009, Savage warned that the government was preparing to “create a crisis along the lines of the Reichstag fire,” and that once Obama’s contrived image began to collapse as it is now doing, “Rahm Emanuel and his gang will set off a Reichstag fire in this country of some kind,” in order to enforce a “military dictatorship”.

As most historians agree, the Reichstag fire of 1933 that allowed Adolf Hitler to persecute his political enemies was wholly if not in part the work of Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels, and a cadre of Nazi storm troopers who aided Communist patsy Marinus van der Lubbe in torching the government building in Berlin.

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The fact that people like Beck and Savage are now openly talking about government staged terror is a revealing benchmark in how far we have come from people who broach such subjects being demonized as lunatics to the issue of false flag terror now becoming a central facet of political discourse.…


9/11 Firefighters Reveal Huge Explosions Before Towers Collapsed – Alex Jones Tv

Posted in "Terrorism", 9/11, Alex Jones, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, False Flag Terror,, International Monetary Fund, New World Order, News, Police State/Martial Law,, Shadow Government, Stupid Government Tricks, the 9/11 Files with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2010 by truthwillrise

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 06, 2010

Paul Joseph Watson

October 6, 2010

Newly obtained video that was reluctantly released by NIST after a lawsuit by the International Center for 9/11 Studies shows two firefighters on 9/11 discussing how secondary explosions occurred immediately before the collapse of the twin towers, providing damning new evidence that explosive devices were used to bring down the buildings.

Debunkers have repeatedly claimed that low-temperature burning jet fuel could weaken steel support columns enough to cause the pancake-style collapse of the twin towers, ignoring the plethora of eyewitness testimony to incendiary devices having caused the implosion of the World Trade Center structure.

The new tape is as clear cut as it comes — the firefighters, who were inside the lobby of one of the towers, unequivocally state that secondary explosions which occurred after the planes hit were responsible for causing the towers to collapse.

“There was an explosion….the third explosion the whole lobby collapsed on us,” states the firefighter. Asked “was that a secondary explosion,” he responds, “yes it was ….definitely secondary explosion”.

Another firefighter then confirms that there were at least three explosions which caused the lobby to collapse.

The only way to explain what firefighters described as “molten steel, like you’re in a foundary, like lava” being witnessed following the collapse of the towers was if powerful additional incendiary devices were used to take down the buildings.

The firefighters’ testimony compliments that of William Rodriguez, eyewitness to sub-level explosions that occurred before the impact of the first plane in the north tower and representative for many 9/11 victim’s families.

Rodriguez’ testimony is also confirmed by Anthony Saltalamacchia, a morning supervisor who managed over a hundred workers in the twin towers. Saltalamacchia was in sub-basement B1 of the North Tower, approximately 1,100 feet below the airplane’s impact point at floors 93 to 98.

“The explosion….at first we believe it came from the mechanical room and then we heard a series of other explosions that sounded up on the above levels of the building,” said Saltalamacchia.

Saltalamacchia then discusses how a man ran into the office with his skin hanging off. William Rodriguez had previously described the same scenario following basement level explosions and it was also seconded by another eyewitness, Kenneth Johannemann, an employee of ABM janitorial services.

“As we’re standing there, more explosions were happening,” said Saltalamacchia, before he urged Rodriguez and the other workers to leave the building. The group left and initially headed towards the lobby before they realized it too had been partially destroyed, conforming with the eyewitness testimony of the firefighters.

Despite Saltalamacchia’s plea to stay out of harm’s way, Rodriguez ran back into the burning building in an attempt to save his colleagues.

“The amount of explosions I heard from 8:46 to the time we got out was so many — at least ten — it was just like multiple explosions to where I felt there was different grenades, that’s what it sounded like, like different grenades being set off in the building,” said Saltalamacchia.

“It was one major explosion and then there was different explosions throughout that period of time until we got out,” he added.

Numerous other WTC basement workers, including Felipe David and Salvatore Giambanco, have also gone public with eyewitness testimony concerning massive sub-level explosions that took place before Flight 11 hit the north tower.

WTC construction worker Phillip Morelli was headed for level B-4 in Tower One [north tower], four stories below ground, when he was thrown to the floor by a violent explosion that coincided with the plane hitting 100 floors above.

15-year WTC worker Marlene Cruz told Peter Jennings in an interview with ABC News that she was also rocked by an explosion in the basement level of the north tower.…

Heathrow Denial Of Naked Scanner Controversy Doesn’t Add Up

Posted in 9/11, Attack on Freedom, False Flag Terror, New World Order, News, Police State/Martial Law, Shadow Government, Stupid Government Tricks, the 9/11 Files, Tyranny, Unconstitutional with tags , , , , , , , , on February 11, 2010 by truthwillrise

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Scannergate: Facts Contradict Heathrow Claim That Naked Images Cant Be Printed 100210top2

Heathrow Airport’s denial that Indian film star Shahrukh Khan’s naked body scanner images were printed and circulated by airport staff because the devices have no capability to print or distribute images contradicts leaked government documents that prove the x-ray backscatter machines do have the option to store and send images, as well as actual images of the print outs that are freely available on the Internet.

Heathrow today denied that naked body scanner images of Khan were printed and circulated by airport security staff, telling the London Telegraph the claims were “completely factually incorrect” because the body-scanning equipment had no capability to print images.

The BAA spokeswoman “stressed that images captured by the equipment could not be stored or distributed in any form”.

Heathrow are trying to avoid any investigation into the incident by claiming it “simply could not be true”.

However, leaked government documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center and confirmed as authentic by CNN show that the devices must have the ability to store and send images when in “test mode.”

“That requirement leaves open the possibility the machines — which can see beneath people’s clothing — can be abused by TSA insiders and hacked by outsiders, said EPIC Executive Director Marc Rotenberg,” according to the report.

“If you look at the actual technical specifications and you read the vendor contracts, you come to understand that these machines are capable of doing far more than the TSA has let on,” added Rotenberg.

Indeed, if there is no capability for the devices to save, distribute and print images, then how on earth have news organizations obtained print outs of such images like the one below?

featured stories   Heathrow Denial Of Naked Scanner Controversy Doesnt Add Up

This picture is a print out of a naked body scanner image taken at an airport. How can Heathrow deny this? Clearly the images produced by the scanners can be saved, distributed and printed. The public has been completely mislead about the fact that this represents a total violation of privacy and a system open to frightening levels of abuse, especially considering the fact that children are being forced to pass through the scanners.

Just like the government claimed the scanner images did not show details of genitalia, they have been caught again in another example of deception.

Journalists who researched trials of the technology reported that the images made genitals “eerily visible”.

German Security advisor Hans-Detlef Dau, a representative for a company that sells the scanners, admits that the machines, “show intimate piercings, catheters and the form of breasts and penises”.

Images on the TSA’s own website produced by backscatter devices also show that genitals are visible.

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Indeed, when they were first being installed, Australian authorities admitted that the machines don’t work properly if sensitive areas of the body are blurred out – and yet the British government still denies that the scanner pictures show details of genitalia – an obvious attempt to skirt child pornography laws which have been violated with the introduction of the scanners.

With plans being readied by the Home Office in the UK as well as authorities in Europe to introduce mobile naked scanners as well as street scanners attached to lamp posts, it won’t be long before we are naked body scanned to get into public buildings, shopping malls, sports events, and even minding our own business walking down the street. Naked body scanners are already being used in courthouses across America.

It seems the only way to make this scandal go away will be for the authorities to convince Shahrukh Khan to retract his story or say it was all a joke – warning him that he might end up on a no fly list could achieve that objective.

People who work in airport security have been caught abusing their power on an almost weekly basis over the last few years. To believe that they will act with the utmost professionalism in dealing with images of our naked bodies is completely asinine. We read horror story after horror story about TSA agents and others acting like thugs on power trips, thinking they can treat the public like animals just because they hold a petty position of authority.

However, unless we vehemently debunk the denials by emphasizing that the scanners do show details of genitalia and such images can be saved, distributed and printed, our daily lives will soon begin to resemble a nightmare that far outstrips anything George Orwell could have predicted.

Obama monitoring Delta flight firecracker situation

Posted in 9/11, Attack on Freedom, False Flag Terror, New World Order, News, the 9/11 Files with tags , , , on December 26, 2009 by truthwillrise

Fri, Dec 25 18:02 PM EST

KAILUA, Hawaii, Dec 25 (Reuters) – U.S, President Barack Obama, who is on vacation in Hawaii, was “actively monitoring” the situation with a Delta flight on which a man reportedly set off firecrackers, the White House said on Friday.

A man reportedly set off firecrackers on Delta Flight 253 that was carrying 278 passengers to Detroit from Amsterdam.

“The president was notified of the incident this morning between 9:00 and 9:30 Hawaii time by the president’s military aide,” White House spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement.

Obama spoke by conference call with national security advisers and then he “instructed that all appropriate measures be taken to increase security for air travel,” Burton said.

“The president is actively monitoring the situation and receiving regular updates. There is currently no change to his schedule,” he said. (Reporting by Tabassum Zakaria, Editing by Editing by Mohammad Zargham)

Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams “Patsy”

Posted in Attack on Freedom, False Flag Terror, New World Order, News, Paul Watson, Shadow Government, Stupid Government Tricks, Tyranny with tags , , , , on November 7, 2009 by truthwillrise

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, November 6, 2009

The Empire strikes back – right when when public support for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan sinks to all time lows, an anti-war Islamic extremist with links to suicide bombers goes on a shooting rampage at a U.S. army base, reinvigorating support for the war on terror and demonizing opposition to it as anti-American extremism. The scam would be believable if it wasn’t so perfectly staged.
Without getting into convoluted conspiracy theories about mind control and whatever else, not that they aren’t without merit, the facts we already know about Hasan and his behavior prior to the deadly shootings just screams out “patsy” and “set-up” and almost exactly mirrors other terror scams the Empire has run in the past.
Just like the would-be liquid bombers that were supposedly planning on bringing down multiple airliners in August 2006, who were caught on CCTV buying bulk supplies of cake in the very hours before the plot, Hasan’s pre-shooting behavior contradicts completely the idea that he was preparing for a deadly rampage.
Shortly before the massacre, Hasan was caught on camera shopping at the convenience store located on the army base – laughing and joking. Is this the behavior of a man psychologically readying himself for the high-intensity horror of gunning down dozens of his colleagues, or someone unaware of what was to follow?
We learn that Hasan “Showed no signs of worry or stress when he stopped at 7-Eleven for his daily breakfast of hash browns, said Jeannie Strickland, the store’s manager.” ” He came in (Thursday) morning just like normal,” she said, “nothing weird, nothing out of the ordinary.”
CNN feverishly seized upon the CCTV footage and began broadcasting it relentlessly because Hasan is seen wearing Arab garb and Muslim headdress, fitting the carefully pre-arranged stereotype perfectly.

The Smiling Assassin? Hasan’s pre-rampage behavior is completely at odds with the idea of him preparing to massacre more than a dozen of his colleagues.
Just like the 7/7 bombing patsies who were filmed laughing and joking, getting into arguments and generally doing everything a terrorist would want to avoid, Hasan’s pre-attack behavior should set alarm bells ringing.
Just like the 7/7 bombing patsies and the liquid bombing patsies, the description of Hasan by those reinforcing the official characterization of him as a vengeful jihadist is completely at odds with how his own family members described him.
Hasan’s cousin laughed when an interviewer asked him if the shooter was “violent.”

“He was just normal, loved sports, never got into trouble.” He said his family was “shocked and baffled” by the incident.
“His parents didn’t want him to go into the military,” Mr. Hasan said. “He said, ‘No, I was born and raised here, I’m going to do my duty to the country.’ ”
The backdrop behind Hasan’s alleged motive for the rampage also represents an inch-perfect staging for subsequent characterization of those opposed to the war on terror as lunatics, crackpots and extremists.
In the hours after the event, we were told that Hasan was upset about being deployed to Iraq at the end of the month. This then mutated into the notion that Hasan was “anti-war” and later we were informed that he was “facing an FBI investigation for expressing sympathy with suicide bombers.” The fact that this was known by authorities six months ago and still Hasan was not only allowed to remain at the Army base, but also invited to participate in Homeland Security exercises only raises more red flags.
Then the lurid details really began to pour in to reinforce the Islamic terrorist stereotype – Hasan screamed “Allah Akbar!” before opening fire, he made “outlandish comments concerning U.S. foreign policy.”
As Michael Yaki highlights, the media characterization of Hasan as a Muslim terrorist was assumed by default, and almost from the first moment it seemed as though news anchors were reading from a script prepared well in advance.
“Once the name of the protagonist was established, the blogs lit up and the talking heads immediately turned to the “terrorist” word. Anderson Cooper repeatedly referred to Hasan as an “American Muslim.” I somehow don’t see Cooper referring to the Columbine killers, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris as “American Protestants.” Yet, front and center, the media began their speculation on whether Hasan was a “recent convert” to Islam, what websites he visited, and whether “outside influences” — code words for Imams and terrorist recruiters — had compelled him to walk onto the base and begin his shooting rampage. Indeed, the media was playing {and replaying} up the fact that he was shown wearing “traditional” Arab garb earlier in the day as he bought some coffee, although other footage from the day before showed him wearing hospital scrubs — which thus far has never made the endless loop on CNN.”
Pointing out the fact that every other killer in U.S. history was described as a “mass murderer” and not a terrorist, Yaki slams the media’s contrived and “implied presumption (that) Hasan appears to be terrorist unless proven otherwise.”
Why were initial reports of three shooters reversed? Why were two alleged shooters taken into custody but quickly released? Was Hasan framed?
When the dust settles on yesterday’s tragic events at Fort Hood it may indeed turn out to be the case that Nidal Malik Hasan was a lone nut seeking to exact revenge for what he saw as perpetual war crimes being carried out against the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. If that is the case, it doesn’t make such crimes acceptable nor does it mean all people who oppose the war on terror are likely to go on a shooting rampage.
However, from all the evidence that has emerged thus far, and in comparing it with other terror scams in the past where patsies have been deliberately groomed and set up to be the fall guys for false flag attacks, everything we know about yesterday’s events suggests that there is infinitely more to the story of Nidal Malik Hasan than meets the eye.