Archive for Dick Cheney

Thetruthwillrise’s take on Bin Laden’s “death”, part 2

Posted in "Terrorism", 9/11, Attack on Freedom, News, the 9/11 Files, Thoughts, Truth/Freedom with tags , , , , , , , , on July 17, 2011 by truthwillrise

This is part two of my analysis of the latest round of fear based political theatre.


Karzai: Blackwater behind terrorism

Posted in "Terrorism", 9/11, Alex Jones, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, False Flag Terror, the 9/11 Files with tags , , , , , , , on October 27, 2010 by truthwillrise

October 26, 2020

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said US private security firms, including Xe Services LLC, formerly known as Blackwater, are being behind terrorism in the country.

At a press conference in Kabul, Karzai said that US security companies have been behind explosions that have claimed the lives of women and children.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The Afghan president added that they have caused “blasts and terrorism” in different parts of Afghanistan over the past months.

The Afghan president said his administration cannot even distinguish between the bomb blasts carried out by US security firms and those of the Taliban militants.

“In fact we don’t yet know how many of these blasts are by Taliban and how many are carried out by them (US security companies).”

Blackwater has been involved in the murder of several Afghan citizens over the past years. The company has also been struggling with a trail of legal cases and civil lawsuits, including one for killing 17 Iraqi civilians during a Baghdad shootout in 2007.

Earlier in June, the CIA reportedly admitted that Blackwater had been loading bombs on US drones that target suspected militants in neighboring Pakistan.

The Afghan president has also pointed out that American private security firms are corrupt and have fueled nine years of war.

“Deals under the name of private security companies are cut in the hallways of American government buildings. It involves 1.5 billion dollars,” he said.

Karzai has accused security companies of running what he called an economic mafia based on crooked contracts.

“The money, 1.5 billion dollars, is being distributed there (in the United States) on Blackwater [sic] and this and that.”

The developments come as the notorious Blackwater has been awarded a five-year State Department contract worth up to USD 10 billion for operations in Afghanistan.

In August, Karzai ordered all security firms to disband before the end of the year.

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Some diplomats and military officials say Karzai has been under intense pressure to reconsider his decision.

However, Karzai says he is steadfast in his decision to dissolve foreign security firms in the country despite US pressure to reconsider the decision.

The private companies are said to be in charge of providing security for foreign officials and embassies as well as development projects in Afghanistan.

Karzai has blamed mercenaries for civilian deaths and corruption in the troubled region.

Ron Paul “This Is Not What America Is All About!”

Posted in 9/11, Attack on Freedom, False Flag Terror, New World Order, News, Police State/Martial Law, Ron Paul, Shadow Government, Stupid Government Tricks, the 9/11 Files, Tyranny, Unconstitutional with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 7, 2010 by truthwillrise

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Dr. Paul appeared on Larry King Live last night to discuss terrorism, the TSA, and related issues.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul identifies that absolutely un-American character of this privacy invasion. Servile subjugation to TSA and airline personnel will do nothing whatsoever to keep us safe, just as violating see-through inspections of passengers will not stop determined enemies or government spooks from finding a way onto planes. Fear will not beget freedom!

The President Who Told The TRUTH

Posted in 9/11, Alex Jones, Attack on Freedom, False Flag Terror, International Bankers, New World Order, Police State/Martial Law, Secret Societies, Shadow Government, the 9/11 Files, The Constitution, The Federal Reserve, Tyranny, Unconstitutional with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 12, 2009 by truthwillrise

This vid contains one of the most awesome, inspiring and truthful speeches ever given by a president. This very speech must have caused a lot of panic among the higher echelons of the elite. Kennedy had been in office for only 3 months and he was already taking unprecedented steps to empower ordinary people. Kennedy did more for civil rights than any other president since Abraham Lincoln. Kennedy was a big supporter of the constitution, he was against the tyranny of big government. He wanted to withdraw US troops from Vietnam. He wanted to abolish the CIA and Federal Reserve, and he warned us of criminal elements within the establishment who wanted to cease an opportunity to restrict peoples freedoms. He urged the press to be more open and to fulfill its obligation to inform the American people about pertinent facts. And on top of that he spoke openly and candidly about the dangers of secret societies and their influence over the way government works. So is it any wonder that he was dramatically silenced only two years after making this epic speech?

You can hear the full “President And The Press” speech using the Google Video link below:…

And here is a transcript of the speech:…

For this video I have included the main parts of JFK’s speech, where he warns us about the dangers of secret societies.

It seems that Kennedy wanted to blow the whistle when he found out about the true scale of corruption within the establishment and how freemasonry and other secret societies play an integral part in this corrupt agenda. It also seems that Kennedy wanted to speak out about the closed and secretive nature of organisations like the freemasons, especially at the higher levels. And it is only when a freemason reaches the higher levels that he can gain a fuller understanding of the kind of organisation he is part of. Freemasonry also has its own set of rules, oaths, allegiances and rituals that are considered higher in importance than the ordinary code of conduct that we ordinary people live by. And the higher up you go in freemasonry, the more strange and daring the initiation rituals become; this is a hallmark of the way criminal gangs operate. Remember, just because someone wears a suit and a tie, that doesnt necessarily make them a better person than the mugger in the alley with the baseball bat.

I find it very curious that some people compare Obama with Kennedy, as if they are both one and the same. But you only have to look at the people that Obama has recruited to work alongside him to realise where he’s coming from. Employing Zbigniew Brzezinski as his Chief Foreign Policy advisor is just one example. Then on top of that, Obama admits to being a globalist and he has publically admitted to attending a CFR meeting where he gave a speech. But what makes me feel most uncomfortable is the way that Obama stuttered and lied about the significance of his speech at the CFR. When question about his CFR involvement, Obama said: “I dont know if I’m an official member.” – He wants us to believe that the CFR would allow someone to attend their meeting and give a speech, and yet not even discuss the issue of membership. You’re either a member of something or you’re not, so the word “official” is an irrelevant filler word. If he doesn’t know that he’s a member then that could only mean that he is not a member – in which case, why didn’t he just say: “I am not a member, although I did speak there once?” Why not just be open and honest about it instead of stuttering and lying in an attempt to downplay the significance of it?

JFK’s assassination was probably executed by CIA resources developed in the anti-Castro campaign that Kennedy was cancelling, and redirected against the internal threat, Kennedy. The investigation which followed the assassination was overseen and directed by Freemasons, who could influence the selection of the rest of the investigative team and effectively control the results.

The JFK assassination appears to have been part a campaign of assassinations against a generation of leaders who posed challenges to the entrenched power structure. The death toll included John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Viewed as a whole, one is driven to the conclusion that anyone advocating or supporting serious social reforms will not be tolerated in a leadership position.

Cheney: Death only option for some detainees if Gitmo closed

Posted in General, New World Order, News, Stupid Government Tricks with tags , , , , , , , , on June 3, 2009 by truthwillrise


By Jon Ward (Contact) | Monday, June 1, 2009


Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday that the only alternative to holding some suspected terrorists indefinitely would be to execute them, arguing against the Obama administration’s plans to close the Guantanamo detainee prison.

“If you’re going to be engaged in a world conflict such as we are, such as the global war on terrorism, if you don’t have a place where you can hold these people, your only other option is to kill them,” Mr. Cheney said.

“And we don’t operate that way.”

The former vice president’s statements only raise the stakes in fierce debate with his critics, who believe Mr. Cheney presided over the formulation of interrogation techniques that they regard as torture and remains unapologetic for approving waterboarding and other harsh methods used.

Mr. Cheney bases his argument on the view that suspected terrorists should be considered prisoners of war and said such persons “ought to be held until the end of the conflict.

He also criticized the Obama administration for failing to think through its plans to shutter Guantanamo.

“The administration made a mistake of the president issuing an order that he wants it closed within a year, but didn’t have a clue as to how to proceed,” Mr. Cheney said. “And now they’re having trouble because they’re having to come up with a plan of some kind.”

Mr. Cheney, who has become the most prominent figure to defend the Bush administration’s record on terror and national security, spoke and took questions at a lunch honoring journalism award winners at the National Press Club.

The former vice president said that the Guantanamo Bay prison is “a fine facility” and that the White House will have a “very difficult” time closing it, because of the legal, political and diplomatic challenges associated with indefinite detention.

Mr. Obama has indicated that even after Guantanamo’s closure, the government will still hold some detainees in prolonged detention. He has also restarted the military commissions process to try some detainees there instead of in civilian courts, following a Bush-era policy.

In arguing for the continued use of Guantanamo, Mr. Cheney cited recent press reports that said about 14 percent of the more than 500 prisoners released from Guantanamo have returned to what he called that jihad business. However, more recent reporting has indicated that the recidivism rate among freed detainees is likely much lower.

Mr. Obama’s decision to close Guantanamo, however, was praised by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu during a visit to Washington.

For the psychological atmosphere the symbolic issues are important, Mr. Davutoglu said during an interview with a small group of journalists at his Washington hotel. Many things in our region are psychological.

But on the domestic political front, one of the leading contenders for the Republican nomination to run against Mr. Obama in 2012, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, took aim at the president’s foreign policy and defense budget cuts.

Mr. Romney characterized Mr. Obama’s last two trips abroad as a tour of apology and criticized signs from the White House that they might back off a missile defense system in Eastern Europe.

“Arrogant, delusional tyrants can’t be stopped by earnest words and furrowed brows,” Mr. Romney said. “Action, strong bold action coming from a position of strength and determination, is the only effective deterrent.”

North Korea and Iran were two of the topics that Mr. Cheney admitted the Bush administration did fall short on.

We didn’t bat 1,000. No question about it. And Iran and North Korea are still out there, Mr. Cheney said in response to a question about the growth of nuclear programs in both regimes during the eight years that Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney were in office. I wish we could have done more, but those are problems that are passed on to the next administration.

But Mr. Cheney did assign responsibility to the CIA for both the pre-war intelligence prior to the invasion of Iraq, and for proposing the enhanced interrogation techniques that have been the cause of so much controversy.

The former vice president also said that al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is not the threat he once was.

I don’t think he can have much impact in terms of managing the organization, because that link between Obama and the people under him is pretty fragile, Mr. Cheney said, inserting the president’s first name for bin Laden’s, a gaffe committed in the past by numerous politicians.

I don’t think he has the capacity to do as much harm as he did at one point, but we ought to still continue to chase him, Mr. Cheney said of bin Laden.

Obama Is Said to Consider Preventive Detention Plan

Posted in New World Order, News, Stupid Government Tricks, Unconstitutional with tags , , , , , on May 22, 2009 by truthwillrise
Published: May 20, 2009

WASHINGTON — President Obama told human rights advocates at the White House on Wednesday that he was mulling the need for a “preventive detention” system that would establish a legal basis for the United States to incarcerate terrorism suspects who are deemed a threat to national security but cannot be tried, two participants in the private session said.

The discussion, in a 90-minute meeting in the Cabinet Room that included Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and other top administration officials, came on the eve of a much-anticipated speech Mr. Obama is to give Thursday on a number of thorny national security matters, including his promise to close the detention center at the naval base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

Human rights advocates are growing deeply uneasy with Mr. Obama’s stance on these issues, especially his recent move to block the release of photographs showing abuse of detainees, and his announcement that he is willing to try terrorism suspects in military commissions — a concept he criticized bitterly as a presidential candidate.

The two participants, outsiders who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the session was intended to be off the record, said they left the meeting dismayed.

They said Mr. Obama told them he was thinking about “the long game” — how to establish a legal system that would endure for future presidents. He raised the issue of preventive detention himself, but made clear that he had not made a decision on it. Several senior White House officials did not respond to requests for comment on the outsiders’ accounts.

“He was almost ruminating over the need for statutory change to the laws so that we can deal with individuals who we can’t charge and detain,” one participant said. “We’ve known this is on the horizon for many years, but we were able to hold it off with George Bush. The idea that we might find ourselves fighting with the Obama administration over these powers is really stunning.”

The other participant said Mr. Obama did not seem to be thinking about preventive detention for terrorism suspects now held at Guantánamo Bay, but rather for those captured in the future, in settings other than a legitimate battlefield like Afghanistan. “The issue is,” the participant said, “What are the options left open to a future president?”

Mr. Obama did not specify how he intended to deal with Guantánamo detainees who posed a threat and could not be tried, nor did he share the contents of Thursday’s speech, the participants said.

He will deliver the speech at a site laden with symbolism — the National Archives, home to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Across town, his biggest Republican critic, former Vice President Dick Cheney, will deliver a speech at the American Enterprise Institute.

Mr. Cheney and other hawkish critics have sought to portray Mr. Obama as weak on terror, and their argument seems to be catching on with the public. On Tuesday, Senate Democrats, in a clear rebuke to the White House, blocked the $80 million Mr. Obama had requested in financing to close the Guantánamo prison.

The lawmakers say they want a detailed plan before releasing the money; there is deep opposition on Capitol Hill to housing terrorism suspects inside the United States.

“He needs to convince people that he’s got a game plan that will protect us as well as be fair to the detainees,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who agrees with Mr. Obama that the prison should be closed. “If he can do that, then we’re back on track. But if he doesn’t make that case, then we’ve lost control of this debate.”

But Mr. Obama will not use the speech to provide the details lawmakers want.

“What it’s not going to be is a prescriptive speech,” said David Axelrod, Mr. Obama’s senior adviser. “The president wants to take some time and put this whole issue in perspective to identify what the challenges are and how he will approach dealing with them.”