Archive for the Ron Paul Category

Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists

Posted in Alex Jones, New World Order, News, Police State/Martial Law, Ron Paul, Stupid Government Tricks, Truth/Freedom, Unconstitutional with tags , , , , , , , , on March 24, 2009 by truthwillrise

Kurt Nimmo
March 11, 2009

Alex Jones has received a secret report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) entitled “The Modern Militia Movement” and dated February 20, 2009. A footer on the document indicates it is “unclassified” but “law enforcement sensitive,” in other words not for public consumption. A copy of the report was sent to Jones by an anonymous Missouri police officer.

featured stories   Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists featured stories   Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists
featured stories   Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists featured stories   Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists
featured stories   Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists featured stories   Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists
featured stories   Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists featured stories   Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists
Click on above thumbnails to see larger images.

The MIAC report specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as “militia” influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.

“Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) provides a public safety partnership consisting of local, state and federal agencies, as well as the public sector and private entities that will collect, evaluate, analyze, and disseminate information and intelligence to the agencies tasked with Homeland Security responsibilities in a timely, effective, and secure manner,” explains the MIAC website. “MIAC is the mechanism to collect incident reports of suspicious activities to be evaluated and analyzed in an effort to identify potential trends or patterns of terrorist or criminal operations within the state of Missouri. MIAC will also function as a vehicle for two-way communication between federal, state and local law enforcement community within our region.”

MIAC is part of the federal “fusion” effort now underway around the country. “As of February 2009, there were 58 fusion centers around the country. The Department has deployed 31 officers as of December 2008 and plans to have 70 professionals deployed by the end of 2009. The Department has provided more than $254 million from FY 2004-2007 to state and local governments to support the centers,” explains the Department of Homeland Security on its website. Missouri is mentioned as a participant in this federal “intelligence” effort.

Last month, the ACLU issued a news release highlighting the activity of a fusion center in Texas as the “latest example of inappropriate police intelligence operations targeting political, religious and social activists for investigation,” in particular “Muslim civil rights organizations and anti-war protest groups.”

The MIAC report does not concentrate on Muslim terrorists, but rather on the so-called “militia movement” and conflates it with supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, the so-called patriot movement and other political activist organizations opposed to the North American Union and the New World Order. The MIAC document is a classic guilt by association effort designed to demonize legitimate political activity that stands in opposition to the New World Order and its newly enshrined front man, Barack Obama.

In September of 2008, Missouri sheriffs and prosecutors organized truth squads to intimidate people opposed to Obama and threatened to arrest and prosecute anybody who ran “misleading television ads.” Missouri governor Matt Blunt eventually denounced the use of “police state tactics” on the part of the Obama-Biden campaign.

MIAC claims members of a “rightwing” militia movement organized in the 1990s — generally in response to the Oklahoma City bombing and the events at Waco — “continuously exploit world events in order to increase participation in their movements. Due to the current economical and political situation, a lush environment for militia activity has been created” and supposedly exploited by “constitutionalists” and “white supremacists,” the latter an oft-employed canard used to demonize activists as dangerous and potentially violent lunatics.

MIAC notes many of the political issues cited by the so-called patriot movement — the Ammunition Accountability Act, the impending economic collapse of the government, the possibility of a constitutional convention, the North American Union, Obama’s “Universal Service Program,” and the implementation of RFID, issues that are not limited to the patriot movement but are shared by a wide array of political activists.

The MIAC document includes a map of the North American Union not dissimilar from one released by NASCO, the North America SuperCorridor Coalition (see the NASCO map here).

The MIAC report is similar to one created by the Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Joint Terrorism Task Force during the Clinton administration (see page one and page two of the document). The FBI document explicitly designates “defenders” of the Constitution as “right-wing extremists.” The MIAC report expands significantly on the earlier document.


  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
  • efoods

In order to artificially heighten the perceived threat threshold, MIAC rolls in Christian Identity, white nationalism, “militant” anti-abortion activists, opposition to illegal immigration, and income tax resistance. MIAC deceptively blurs the lines between these disparate political ideologies and underscores the possibility for violence in a summary of the organizational structure of the militia movement and a section describing how members strive to train in “combat readiness.”


The MIAC effort to characterize Libertarians and Constitutionalists as racists is reminiscent of an attempt by the corporate media in early 2008 to portray Ron Paul as a racist by attempting to link him to a series of vaguely racist newsletters produced in the 1980s. Paul did not exercise editorial control over the newsletters and went so far as to apologize for them, but this did not prevent the corporate media from characterizing him as a racist.

According to MIAC, opposition to world government, NAFTA, federalization of the states, and restrictive gun laws are a threat to the police. “The militia subscribes to an anti-government and NWO mindset, which creates a threat to law enforcement officers. They view the military, National Guard, and law enforcement as a force that will confiscate their firearms and place them in FEMA concentration camps,” the document claims in a section entitled “You are the Enemy.”

In regard to supposed militia movement literature and media, the MIAC report mentions Aaron Russo’s America: Freedom to Fascism and William Luther Pierce’s The Turner Diaries — the latter was penned by the former leader of the white nationalist organization National Alliance and the former by a Libertarian filmmaker. In order to underscore the absurdity of the MIAC attempt to link Pierce’s novel and Russo’s anti-tax documentary, it should be noted that the late Aaron Russo was Jewish and The Turner Dairies posits a Zionist government in America (or ZOG, the Zionist Occupation Government) run by Jews.

The award-winning film Zeitgeist, featuring Alex Jones, is also mentioned as terrorist material.

The MIAC report is particularly pernicious because it indoctrinates Missouri law enforcement in the belief that people who oppose confiscatory taxation, believe in the well-documented existence of a New World Order and world government (a Google search of this phrase will pull up numerous references made by scores of establishment political leaders), and are opposed to the obvious expansion of the federal government at the expense of the states as violent extremists who are gunning for the police. It specifically targets supporters of mainstream political candidates and encourages police officers to consider them dangerous terrorists.

MIAC is attempting to radicalize the police against political activity guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If Missouri police indoctrinated by MIAC propaganda overreact to political activists and supporters of Ron Paul in their state and injure or kill people involved in entirely legal and legitimate political activity, MIAC, the governor of Missouri (his name appears on the MIAC document), and the DHS and federal government should be held directly responsible and prosecuted the fullest extent of the law.

The Obama Deception

Posted in Alex Jones, New World Order, News, Ron Paul, Secret Societies, Stupid Government Tricks, The Constitution, Truth/Freedom, Unconstitutional with tags , , , , , , , , , , on March 12, 2009 by truthwillrise

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans. and only by exposing the con can we help to save freedom in America. The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right: it’s about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda, and how his initial appointments and actions prove he serves the corporate oligarchs, not the American people. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you


Senator Bernie Sanders Slams Fed Boss Ben Bernanke

Posted in Economy, New World Order, News, Ron Paul, Stupid Government Tricks, Truth/Freedom with tags , , , , , , on March 6, 2009 by truthwillrise



Ron Paul: Greenspan, Bernanke Should Be Criminally Charged

Posted in Alex Jones, Economy, News, Police State/Martial Law, Ron Paul, Stupid Government Tricks, The Constitution, Truth/Freedom, Unconstitutional with tags , , , , , , , on February 26, 2009 by truthwillrise

Ron Paul Grills Bernanke: “You Can’t Reinflate The Bubble”

Posted in Alex Jones, News, Ron Paul, Truth/Freedom with tags , , , , on February 26, 2009 by truthwillrise

Congressman: Only way to solve financial crisis is to work, produce and save – not to create credit out of thin air

Ron Paul Grills Bernanke: You Cant Reinflate The Bubble 250209top

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Congressman Ron Paul again took the opportunity to lecture Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke on sound money principles at this morning’s House Financial Services Committee hearing, warning that the financial crisis cannot be solved by merely creating credit out of thin air.

Paul said that yesterday’s record consumer confidence slump was a reflection of monetary policy in Washington and that it was impossible to patch up a failed system.

“This is the end of an era,” said the Congressman, “we can’t reinflate the bubble….if we think that we can reinflate this bubble by artificially creating credit out of thin air and calling it capital, believe me we don’t have a prayer of solving these problems – we have a total misunderstanding of what credit is versus capital.”


Ron Paul Grills Bernanke: You Cant Reinflate The Bubble obamadecept_340x169

Paul stressed that capital could not be created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve. “We have to work hard, produce, live within our means and what is left over is called capital,” said Paul, dismissing the notion of recapitalizing markets by turning on the printing presses as a “total fallacy”.

The Texas Congressman said that central bankers were only failing forward in creating another new system doomed to crash by creating internationalized regulations and giving up on the dollar standard.

“We have to have a system that encourages people to work and to save – what are we doing now – we’re telling consumers to spend and continue the process – it won’t work,” concluded Paul.

Watch the clip.

Research related articles:

  1. Ron Paul: Greenspan, Bernanke Should Be Criminally Charged
  2. Ron Paul Confronts Bernanke On Global Currency Plans
  3. Ron Paul Scolds Bernanke For Skipping Congressional Financial Hearings
  4. Ron Paul: Printing Money Only Prolongs The Pain
  5. Ron Paul Hits Out At “Arrogant” Greenspan
  6. Ron Paul: Bailout Will Destroy Dollar, World Economy
  7. Bloomberg Misquotes Ron Paul Seconds After He Speaks
  8. Ron Paul Blasts “Secret Government” Running Economy
  9. Ron Paul Warns Of Major Economic Event
  10. Ron Paul: Stimulus Packages Will Turn Recession Into A Depression
  11. Bernanke: Rate Cut Possible to Cure ‘Historic’ Slump
  12. Ron Paul Slams “Born-again Budget Conservatives”


The Great American Recovery Plan

Posted in 1, Aaron Russo, Alex Jones, General, New World Order, News, Ron Paul, Truth/Freedom with tags , , on February 25, 2009 by truthwillrise

The Troubled Assets Relief Program(TARP) the economic package that was supposed to fix the economy from destruction, fell flat on its face, that is if you were an average citizen as it did not help you. For the multi-national corporations, or mega banks that received TARP funds, the legislation was of great benefit to you. These companies received billions of dollars( in some cases the companies did not need or ask for) which was used to go on junkets, give executive bonuses, acquire other companies, and line their bank accounts all the while the American people , who the TARP funds were supposed to help, continued to lose their homes at an alarming rate.


The $787 billion “stimulus” package will be an overwhelming failure; it is another example of throwing money at a money problem and it is only going to exacerbate our financial predicament. The fear mongering and scare tactics used by the Bush and Obama administrations (as well threats of martial law to the House if they did not pass the unconstitutional bill by former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson) to get the TARP and this latest “stimulus” bill through Congress have distracted the people from the fact that at its best, it is only a temporary fix and it deals with only the symptoms rather than the cause and will leave us worse off than we were before the act passed. I will through this plan, deal with the causes and how we correct it. This tactic has also swindled the American people into thinking that something must be done right away of the sky will fall, when for a problem of this magnitude, careful, prudent planning would best serve us. The same thing was said of the TARP, and things have gotten much worse since its passing. The use of fear by then Sen. Obama, Sen. McCain, President Bush and others to try to rush this bill through and then to criticize those who were against the bill or wanted to take a slower approach in terms of reviewing the legislation ( they were only given a few hours to read the 451 page bill) were absolutely reprehensible. You should always be weary of anything or anyone that wants to make a major decision hastily because often times there is an agenda to take advantage of you, as was the case with the TARP and this latest “stimulus” package. The push that something must be done not today but yesterday fooled many people into thinking that was the correct course of action




Here are a few things that is implemented will truly (unlike the”stimulus”package) lift America, and the world, out of the quandary it is in. It is all very doable and unlike the TARP, it will not line the pockets of multi-national corporations and international bankers. I call it the Great American Recovery Plan.





  1. The abolition of the Federal Reserve System.  This quasi-private, run for profit corporation actually loans the money for this nation to the government at interest. Since its insidious implementation in 1913, the national and personal debt have seen a steady increase, our money is devaluing by the day, we now have an income tax, and the standard of living for the average American has decreased. Just as the international bankers and robber barons who own the Fed caused the Panic of 1907, the Depressions of 1921 and 1929 and every recession this nation has experienced. The current economic storm we are in has been engineered by the same group. The TARP and the “stimulus” package are two more steps in the funeral march of the U.S. Dollar. The great thing that there is already the legislation right now to abolish this evil entity. The plan calls for the passing of Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-TX) HR2755, The Federal Reserve Abolition Act and the enacting of Executive Order 11110 which restores us to constitutional money. Here is why we must do this:


           A.  It takes away the monopoly that the Federal Reserve and the

                 international bankers and returns that power to the people and

                 the Treasury. This will free the Republic from the yoke of debt 

                 that it has languished under by having to borrow money from

                 the private Fed and pay it back with interest, which is what the 

                 income tax goes toward.


B.      By having a money that is backed by a real asset such as silver or gold, the amount that can be printed is limited. This puts a halt to the printing of money out of thin air that the Federal Reserve and other central banks have been doing. Having sound money also protects the value of the currency and would stop the ever-rising inflation. This is why prices seem to rise but in reality it is inflation and that inflation is eroding the buying power of our currency because there is too much money in circulation. Returning that lost buying power back to the people will raise the standard of living in this nation.


C.      The size of government would also be limited. With its access to unlimited cut off with the abolition of the Federal Reserve System, and now having sound money, there is a limit to the size that government can grow to. Government can return to the limited entity that it was always intended and not the overgrown albatross it has morphed into with its tentacles reaching ever more into our daily lives. This would return rightful power to the people through the local and state governments. In addition a sound money puts a real limit on government spending and would force government to operate on a clear budget and that could foster more efficiency from the government. We have not had a balanced budget since our removal from the gold standard in 1971.



     2.The repealing of the North American Free Trade Agreement     (NAFTA).  This agreement, which was entered into in 1994 by the United States, Canada, and Mexico, was allegedly to remove the trade barriers between the three nations, however this so called “free trade” agreement has eviscerated America’s manufacturing sector. Those jobs moved beyond our borders in favor or cheaper foreign labor. Companies were even given tax incentives to move jobs out of this nation. By ending this asinine arrangement we can rebuild our manufacturing sector and become a producing nation once  again. If we are producing things then people are working and economy would be much healthier.



  3.  The withdrawal of The United States from the United Nations. 

       This evil organization was set up in 1945 after WW II as another 

       attemmpt at a world governing body after the failed League of Nations. 

       The United States does not need to be in the UN to secure its national 

       sovereignty and under the Great American Recovery Plan the nation 

       would immediately leave this organization, which has been involved in

       secret wars and population reduction studies just to name a few items of

       its long dirty laundry list.


These things can save our country if they were implemented. I invite all freedom minded people who are reading this to take it and build upon this information. Take it to your congressional officials and let them know this is true way to really save our money, not giving more money to foreign banks and multi-national corporations. Time is growing short; if we are to act, this is the time. We cannot sit around and wait or hope for someone else to do it. Freedom is not free; the price of it is eternal vigilance.