Archive for the Life Improvement Category

Abagnale: ID theft, fraud 4,000 times easier today

Posted in Business, Economy, Legal, Life Improvement, News with tags , , , , on June 25, 2009 by truthwillrise

By Alex Goldman on June 24, 2009 8:14 PM

NEW YORK — Frank Abagnale, whose life story was the inspiration for the movie “Catch Me If You Can” about an imposter on the run from the FBI, spoke about crime today at the technology management conference of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA).

The former imposter and thief has now worked for the FBI for 35 years, helping the agency fight the kind of crimes he committed as a teenager years ago. “What I did is now 4,000 times easier,” Abagnale said.

“I needed a Heidelberg press. I needed to handle color separations, chemicals, and typesetting,” he added. “Now a criminal can go into a hotel and choose their victim from the advertising outside their window, say Continental Airlines. They can get the logo from the company Web site. They can type the company name to repeat in the background. They can pull a picture of an airplane taking off. In 15 minutes, they can make a four color check that’s prettier than the check that Continental actually uses.”

Abagnale said there’s too much information. When he committed fraud, he invented bank names and addresses, but today’s criminals don’t need to. A criminal could call accounts receivable and say they wanted to pay an invoice and get not just Continental’s bank but also the account number and routing numbers. “Tell a company you want to pay them and they’ll tell you everything,” he said.

A criminal can call corporate communications and ask for the annual report. “On page three are the signatures of all the company officers. It’s black on white glossy, camera-ready art,” he said.

Advising the FBI

Of course, Abagnale has been advising the U.S. government on how to prevent this sort of thing for some time. “I worked with the Treasury Department to redesign the currency. In 1996, we changed it for the first time in 72 years,” he said.

He added that the effort continues with a new $5 bill this year and a new $100 bill soon, but the Treasury cannot withdraw old bills.

He works on other projects regularly. “I do the same thing today that I did then. Corporations give me their ATM machine and I see if I can get around it.”

But systems are only as secure as the people who run them. “I get to walk around the TSA today but all I’d need to do is get to one person and if they lack character or ethics, the system is doomed and I get on board with the bomb. In 2008, white collar crime cost America $900 billion and it’s growing every year. When I was asked about aid to Katrina victims, I predicted that 40 percent would go to fraud. Crime is now easier, faster, and harder to detect.”

He said that young people should be taught ethics and values. “It has nothing to do with religion; it’s about character and ethics,” he said.

The biography

Abagnale had been invited to the conference to tell his life story, and he did so:

“I was born in Bronxville, N.Y. and attended a Catholic school. One day, I was taken out of class and sent to White Plains because my parents were divorcing. I had no idea what was going on or what family court was. When I got there I was told to go up the steps and meet my parents. I found them in a court room. The judge beckoned me forward and he read from a paper. He never acknowledged me. He said I would have to choose a parent to live with. I ran out. My mother didn’t see me for seven years and I never spoke to my father again.”

“I took the New Haven and Hartford Railroad, as it was then called, to New York City. My father had a stationery store here. I got jobs in stationery stores making small amounts of money but I soon realized I couldn’t support myself.”

“I was six feet tall and had a little grey hair. I was 16 years old but decided to lie about my age. I altered my IBM card and changed my birth date from 4/48 to 4/38. I was making more money, but I was still drawing on an account my parents had set up for me. When I needed money, I would write myself a check for $5 or $10. The checks started to bounce.”

“One day at 5 PM I was walking down 42nd Street past the Hotel Commodore, now the Hyatt, and I saw an Eastern Airlines flight crew. I heard a noise above me. It was a New York Airways helicopter landing on the Pan Am building.”

“I decided to call Pan Am. I told them I needed a uniform. They said don’t you have a spare and I said yes, but it’s in San Francisco. They said you know this will come out of your paycheck and I said yes. They said go to the Well Built Uniform Company.”

“A Mr. Rosen fitted a uniform for me. I asked to pay by check and he said no. I asked to pay with cash and he said no. He asked me to fill out a form and my employer would pay and I said that was better.”

“I went to La Guardia because that was the closest airport and tried to figure out how to get on a plane. Finally I got hungry and went to a bar and ordered a sandwich. Two TWA pilots sat down next to me and asked me what equipment I was on. I did not know the jargon. I said, ‘GE,’ which was the wrong answer. They asked me what Pan Am was doing at La Guardia since it only flew out of JFK and I said I was on my way there and left quickly.”

“I learned that as good as it was to have a uniform, it was useless without an airline ID. I looked up ‘Identification’ in the Yellow Pages. I called some places and finally one told me that the airline IDs were made by the 3M company so I called them up to discuss quantity and price for a large order. I asked for a sample but the paper they handed me had ‘SAMPLE’ written across it. I said will we also have to buy this equipment? If so, why don’t you show me how it’s used and for a demonstration, make a card for me.”

“I had a card but it had no logo. I couldn’t type, print, or write on the glossy card. I passed a hobby shop and bought a jet liner model. I threw away the parts and used the sheet of decals. Pan Am says I flew a million miles but I never stepped on board one of their flights and that’s true because I was afraid that someone would ask me why their ID was different than mine. So I flew everyone else.”

“When I got there, I found out where the flight crew stayed and I signed in a binder. Pan Am was billed for my cash and meals. Also, I could cash personal checks at the hotel. I learned that every airline honors each others’ personal checks.”

“At 18, I quit because the FBI took out a John Doe warrant on me. Based on interviews with people, they thought I was 30 years old. I moved to Atlanta Geogia and into the Riverbed Apartments. On the application form, it asked my profession and I nearly wrote ‘airline pilot’ but then it asked about my employer and supervisor. I thought about it and realized I needed a profession that would explain why I had a car and a nice apartment so I said I was a doctor. At the condo, a nosy interviewer asked what kind of doctor I was. I said, ‘medical doctor.’ Eventually, I said ‘pediatrician.’ I thought I was safe because it was an apartment for singles, so there would be no children”

“One day a real pediatrician moved in. He was separated from his wife and lonely. He kept trying to talk to me. I went to Emory University and read the latest medical journals. I was waiting for him every day. I’d follow him into his apartment. ‘Hey, you know what they’re doing up at Mayo?’ If he went to the bathroom, I’d talk through the door. Eventually, he started avoiding me, which is what I wanted.”

“But one day I got a call from the hospital where he worked. They said that they needed to have a full doctor overnight in an administrative capacity. I said I wasn’t licensed to practice in Georgia, but they got me a temporary license. I gave it a shot and no one doubted I was a doctor.”

“I passed the bar in the state of Louisiana and became a lawyer. I studied the law there, which is based on the Napoleonic code, for two months, and passed the bar exam. I was licensed by the state and worked for the Attorney General.”

“I did things nobody had ever done before. I bought a Burroughs 1000 magnetic encoder and put it in a bank and for one day everyone deposited their checks into my account.”

“One day I arrived late at O’Hare airport in Chicago and it was closing. I noticed that everyone — Hertz, Avis, Eastern, Delta — was putting their cash in a night box. I rented a bank guard uniform from a costume store and hung up a sign that said, ‘Box out of order. Leave cash with guard on duty’ and they did! How could a box be out of order? Nobody asked me.”

“But every criminal gets caught. I was arrested in the French town of Montpellier on an Interpol warrant from the Swedish police. I was convicted of forgery. I entered the Maison d’Arret weighing 198 pounds and left weighing 109 pounds. Steven Spielberg told Barbara Walters that he felt it was important for me to go back and see my exact prison cell and that he was shocked to find it was a blanket with a hole in the floor for the bathroom.”

“Then I was extradited to Sweden and served in a penitentiary in Malmo. Then I was arraigned in the U.S. and sentenced to 12 years. I had served four years in Virginia when the U.S. government offered to take me out and into service until my sentence was complete or my parole was served.”

“This February, I celebrated 35 years with the FBI. I’ve been married for 33 years and have three sons.”

“Spielberg said he chose to tell my story not to glorify what I did but because of what I did for my country for over thirty years.”

“I was a child. I did immoral, illegal, and unethical things and they will always be a burden to me. Few men are worthy of being called ‘daddy.’ I needed a father and mother and it’s not popular to say so, but divorce is a devastating thing to deal with. I cried myself to sleep every night until I was 19. I spent Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in foreign countries in hotels. Only a fool would think they could break the law and not get caught. My kids ask my wife why I get up in the middle of the night and go downstairs and sit in front of the TV and don’t turn it on.”

“I have a lot to regret. When I was in jail I was thinking about my dad and how I’d see him again and say I was sorry but one day while I was in jail he slipped on a subway staircase and hit his head and died.”

“I owe everything to this country. This country gives everyone a second chance. I’ve turned down three pardons, including one from the last President.”

“I met my wife while working undercover. I broke protocol and told her who I was. She married me against the wishes of her parents. God gave me a wife and she gave me three kids and she changed my life. Prison didn’t rehabilitate me — she did. Anyone here who’s a parent, you know that the last thing you worry about every night as you head hits the pillow if your kid. The definition of a man — I’d like to say this since it’s just been Father’s Day — is not money, skills, or achievements. A real man loves his wife and is faithful.”


Today, Abagnale has a Web site and has written five books on identity theft. He works for the FBI and also takes speaking engagements.

He gave attendees three pieces of advice on avoiding identify theft.

1) Don’t write a lot of checks. He noted that checks are stored in a data warehouse in the clear and are handled by people making a low hourly wage.

2) He told everyone to buy a shredder and not just any shredder. He said that ribbon shredders produce garbage from which the FBI can reconstruct a bank statement in 60 minutes. He said crisscross shredders produce garbage from which the FBI can reconstruct a bank statement in 8 hours. He said that microcut shredders produce confetti from which the FBI cannot reconstruct the original. Although all are for sale, “what’s to think about,” he asked.

3) He told attendees to use a credit monitoring service that will provide immediate alerts, instead of monthly or quarterly letters and that monitors all three credit services.

“I live my life 99.5 percent risk free,” he said. “I don’t use checks and I don’t use a debit card. I spend the credit card company’s money. If someone runs up a $1,000 bill on my cell phone, I don’t dispute it with AT&T — I dispute it through Visa. In the TJ Maxx case, people who lost debit cards waited 2 months for their money, and people who lost credit card numbers got a new credit card within 10 days.”

“For my kids, I gave them a supplemental credit card attached to my account and the bills came to me. I told them if they were spending a lot of time in a bar, I’d know about it. I paid the bill on time every month and when they graduated from college, they had a credit score of 770 and were able to buy a car and a house,” he said

“I’m not worried about shopping online,” Abagnale said. “I use my credit card. My liability is zero.”

Abagnale said he even uses his credit card instead of a bank card to get cash from an ATM machine.

Companies must do better

“Every company should be asking what it can do to protect the identity of its customers. Why do banks allow tellers to see information like a social security number? They should have to go to a separate screen to request that information. There’s software from companies like IBM and Novell that costs $100,000. Why can’t banks differentiate based on how they protect their customers? There’s no excuse not to have that,” Abagnale said.

“There should be only five instances when you need to use your social security number: to get a driver’s license, to get a loan or open an account at a bank, to put your children in school, to get health care, and to pay taxes,” Abagnale said.

He added that government can do better too, certainly with voting machines. “I like optical reader systems,” he said. “Once you introduce software, you introduce the ability to manipulate it.”

He concluded by saying that most problems are about morals and ethics. “We can build in security, but that won’t solve the issue of the character of the younger generation. Crime is getting worse,” he said. “I was raised Catholic and taught right and wrong. I chose the wrong path but my parents had given me the ropes I needed to pull myself out of that world. We live in a society that doesn’t teach Ethics in school. Many Fortune 500 companies have no code of ethics.”


If you are concerned about Identity Theft , want to get some protection, and/or been a victim or know someone who has, please log onto or call 1-866-510-7907 to get some help.

Americans Feel 15.6% Unemployment as Underemployment Surges

Posted in Economy, General, Life Improvement, News with tags , , , , , on April 7, 2009 by truthwillrise

By Matthew Benjamin

April 6 (Bloomberg) — Joseph Ramelo gave up searching for work in January to return to school, two months after he was laid off as a San Francisco election clerk. Antonio Poe is struggling to get by doing part-time landscaping in Greensboro, North Carolina, after losing his job as an electrician.

While such workers are feeling real pain from the recession that began in December 2007, they’re not represented in the 8.5 percent unemployment rate the Labor Department reported last week. They are part of a broader group that includes those who want a job but have stopped looking for work and those who want full-time positions but have to settle for part-time employment.

A measure of underemployment that counts those people has almost doubled over the past two years, to 15.6 percent, providing a more complete gauge of the labor market’s deterioration. Along with an historic drop in the percentage of the population who are working, and record numbers of long-term unemployed, the figures point to a permanent shift in employment patterns, said former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich.

“We’re seeing many more people who are losing their connectedness to the labor force,” said Reich, who served in President Bill Clinton’s Cabinet and is now an economist at the University of California at Berkeley. “There is a profound weakening of ties to the labor market among a large portion of our working-age population.”

Job Losses

U.S. employers cut 663,000 jobs in March, bringing losses since the slump began in December 2007 to about 5.1 million, the worst in the postwar era, according to the Labor Department. Unemployment exceeds 10 percent in seven states. Michigan’s jobless rate is 12 percent, South Carolina’s is 11 percent and California’s is 10.5 percent.

Job losses in the current recession are more enduring than in previous ones, according to an April 3 research report by Credit Suisse.

“Permanent job losses are accounting for a much larger share of total job losses than any cycle in recent memory,” with almost half of unemployed workers “job losers” as opposed to temporary layoffs, according to the report.

The number of Americans who want full-time jobs but are working part time has increased 83 percent in a year to 9 million, according to Labor Department data.

Ken Hueser may become one of them. The Minneapolis architect lost his $60,000-a-year position in February and is applying for part-time work at garden centers for $8.50 an hour.

Sooner or Later

“The economy will come back some day, but the unknown is whether it’s sooner or later,” said Hueser.

In the meantime, said Ramelo in San Francisco, “even if I don’t have a job, at least I’ll have my degree.” He returns to his City Hall job temporarily later this month. “At this point, I’m thinking any income will do,” he said.

The increase in temporary workers is the result of a severe recession that coincides with a large drop in household wealth and a lack of access to credit, leaving laid-off workers without the cushion they might have had in a milder downturn, said Michael Feroli, an economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in New York. “So people are doing whatever it takes to get some income for their households,” said Feroli.

Lisa Smith, a Trenton, New Jersey, childcare worker who lost her job last September, said she is now willing to take whatever work she can get.

“I would like to work 40 hours a week, but if someone offered me 30 or 35, I’d be glad too,” she said.

More Competition

She and workers like her face greater competition, even for temporary jobs, because more people are out of work for longer periods. There are currently about four unemployed workers for every job opening, according to the Economic Policy Institute in Washington.

The long-term unemployed, those who have been out of a job for more than six months, constitute 24.2 percent of the unemployed, the largest share during a recession since the Labor Department began recording data in 1948.

“This recession is causing extreme desperation and frustration for a very wide swath of workers, even people who thought they were flexible and could find work again easily,” said Andrew Stettner, deputy director at the National Employment Law Project, a New York group that advocates for workers’ rights.

In addition, the downturn is undoing years of gains to overall employment. Beginning in the mid-1970s, the percentage of working-age adults who have jobs began to rise steadily as more women joined the workforce, from about 56 percent in 1975 to 63.4 percent in December 2006. It has since dropped 3.5 percentage points, the steepest decline in any recession since the Great Depression.

That drop has implications for the economy’s potential growth rate, because fewer workers, without a compensating increase in productivity, means less output.

“We’ve taken a huge step back here,” said James Glassman, senior economist at JPMorgan & Co. He said elevated levels of unemployment and underemployment are costing the economy about $1 trillion in gross domestic product a year.

“We’ve lost several decades of progress that was going on in terms of the people number of people coming into the workforce,” said Glassman.

To contact the reporter on this story: Matthew Benjamin in Washington at


Job and job security are going the way of the dinosaur. People are really hurting out there and it pains me to see that. I strongly encourage all who are reading this to log on to and take action to make sure that you do not become a statistic. -truthwillrise

A World Without Cancer

Posted in Life Improvement, New World Order, Poison Foods and Products, Truth/Freedom with tags , , , on March 23, 2009 by truthwillrise

G.Edward Griffin, author of  The Creature from Jekyl Island, reveals  that cancer may infact be a defiency disease, and there are far safer and effective ways for dealing with this illness rather than burning and cutting.

320,000 more job losses forecast

Posted in Business, Economy, Life Improvement, News with tags , , , , on March 5, 2009 by truthwillrise

A further 320,000 jobs look set to be culled during the coming three months as companies respond to the recession, it has been warned.

Business advisers BDO Stoy Hayward said its employment index had dropped from 94.2 in January to 91.7 in February.

But the group said its output and optimism indexes had both risen modestly for the first time in 13 months, suggesting that businesses had accepted the realities of the recession and were adapting to cope with the downturn.

It added that the results also suggested that firms were taking swift and decisive action to tackle the challenges of the recession, including halting production or implementing new employment strategies to keep costs down.

The group’s optimism index, which measures business confidence two quarters ahead, rose to 90.5 in February from 89.9 in January.

At the same time, the output index, which measures order book strength in the next quarter, edged up to 88.3 in February from a 29-year low of 88.1 in January.

Peter Hemington, partner at BDO Stoy Hayward, said: “Optimism remains low and businesses expect the economy to continue to contract, but companies are now adapting their business models for an uncertain future.

“It’s still too early to say if business confidence has hit rock bottom and we’ve already seen a number of false dawns, but this month’s modest increases are encouraging. We must watch carefully to see if this is the start of an upward trend.”

Meanwhile, the British Retail Consortium called for urgent action to be taken to stop the closure of shops, following estimates that 140,000 premises will be empty by the end of this year.

The group wants rents to be collected monthly and to fall in line with the state of the market, along with an immediate freeze on business rates and a restoration of empty property rate relief.

Copyright © 2009 The Press Association. All rights reserved.

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The good (uh-huh), bad and ugly of ID theft trends

Posted in Business, Economy, General, Identity Theft, Legal, Life Improvement with tags , , , , , on March 5, 2009 by truthwillrise

It seems as if a month can’t pass without word of some new research report on identity theft.

The results are rarely good.

Identity theft is on the rise, up as much as 22 percent in 2008. Fraud of all stripes is up, too. The reason, experts say, is the recession is pushing criminals to be more brazen.

Tax returns are being filed under victims’ names to fraudulently claim tax refunds. Employment fraud, such as using a victim’s Social Security number to work or get benefits, is up, too, according to last week’s study from the government-run Consumer Sentinel Network.

And let’s not forget the spike in crimes of opportunity, such as purse snatchings. Such crimes were tied to 43 percent of identity theft cases last year, up from 33 percent in 2007, according to a survey last month from Javelin Strategy & Research.

Yes, it’s all doom and gloom. On the surface, anyway.

The deeper truth is that the Web — once the main culprit for identity theft — is helping consumers prevent such crimes at perhaps a faster rate than ever before.

Consumers who bank online are checking their accounts every week or every few weeks because funds are tight, said Linda Foley, founder of Identity Theft Resource Center in San Diego ( They are watching where every penny goes, and it’s easier — for better or worse — to notice a transaction that shouldn’t be there.

I know this is definitely the case for me. I’ve caught at least two small, but still fraudulent transactions in the past six months. And I’ve had to cancel at least one credit card.

The same economy that’s making criminals more active also is forcing consumers to get off their butts and be more vigilant about their finances.

“People are looking at their credit reports — finally,” Foley said.

They’re uncovering cases faster and limiting their losses.

This could explain why Javelin, in its report last month, said that although the number of identity theft cases jumped 22 percent last year, to 9.9 million, the cost per incident fell 31 percent, to $496.

The Consumer Sentinel Network, which is a database of consumer complaints collected by several federal agencies, had similar tallies.

Another thing working in consumers’ favor is that businesses are being more vigilant about the lines of credit they extend and the bills that their customers then rack up.

In many cases, there are now more steps to verify an application for a credit card.

“Consumers get a call and (businesses) ask: ‘Did you apply for a credit card?’ ” Foley said.

If not, that could prevent identity theft right there.

Businesses, she said, also are turning delinquent accounts over to collections agencies in three months instead of four to six months.

Why is that good? Well, if you’re late on your bills, I suppose that’s bad. But if someone fraudulently started an account in your name, you might not hear about it until it goes to collections, and you’ll be hearing about it sooner rather than later.

This could be why the Consumer Sentinel Network’s report said credit-card fraud is still a big, but steadily shrinking cause of identity theft.

Other types of fraud are picking up the slack, though. So, your best bet is to stay vigilant.

Stop carrying your Social Security card in your wallet or purse.

Shred important documents.

Protect your computer with a firewall and anti-virus software.

Remember, Indiana has a credit-freeze law to thwart potential identity thieves. Go to http://www.indiana SecurityFreeze.asp for more information.


A fine article written detailing identity theft. I will say that placing a freeze on your credit is not always the thing to do. I have spoken with credit experts and fraud investigators and they shared with me that putting freezes and fraud alerts are done on a case-by-case basis. To learn more about identity theft, please check out