Archive for the Attack on the Republic Category

9/11 Firefighters Reveal Huge Explosions Before Towers Collapsed – Alex Jones Tv

Posted in "Terrorism", 9/11, Alex Jones, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, False Flag Terror,, International Monetary Fund, New World Order, News, Police State/Martial Law,, Shadow Government, Stupid Government Tricks, the 9/11 Files with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2010 by truthwillrise

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 06, 2010

Paul Joseph Watson

October 6, 2010

Newly obtained video that was reluctantly released by NIST after a lawsuit by the International Center for 9/11 Studies shows two firefighters on 9/11 discussing how secondary explosions occurred immediately before the collapse of the twin towers, providing damning new evidence that explosive devices were used to bring down the buildings.

Debunkers have repeatedly claimed that low-temperature burning jet fuel could weaken steel support columns enough to cause the pancake-style collapse of the twin towers, ignoring the plethora of eyewitness testimony to incendiary devices having caused the implosion of the World Trade Center structure.

The new tape is as clear cut as it comes — the firefighters, who were inside the lobby of one of the towers, unequivocally state that secondary explosions which occurred after the planes hit were responsible for causing the towers to collapse.

“There was an explosion….the third explosion the whole lobby collapsed on us,” states the firefighter. Asked “was that a secondary explosion,” he responds, “yes it was ….definitely secondary explosion”.

Another firefighter then confirms that there were at least three explosions which caused the lobby to collapse.

The only way to explain what firefighters described as “molten steel, like you’re in a foundary, like lava” being witnessed following the collapse of the towers was if powerful additional incendiary devices were used to take down the buildings.

The firefighters’ testimony compliments that of William Rodriguez, eyewitness to sub-level explosions that occurred before the impact of the first plane in the north tower and representative for many 9/11 victim’s families.

Rodriguez’ testimony is also confirmed by Anthony Saltalamacchia, a morning supervisor who managed over a hundred workers in the twin towers. Saltalamacchia was in sub-basement B1 of the North Tower, approximately 1,100 feet below the airplane’s impact point at floors 93 to 98.

“The explosion….at first we believe it came from the mechanical room and then we heard a series of other explosions that sounded up on the above levels of the building,” said Saltalamacchia.

Saltalamacchia then discusses how a man ran into the office with his skin hanging off. William Rodriguez had previously described the same scenario following basement level explosions and it was also seconded by another eyewitness, Kenneth Johannemann, an employee of ABM janitorial services.

“As we’re standing there, more explosions were happening,” said Saltalamacchia, before he urged Rodriguez and the other workers to leave the building. The group left and initially headed towards the lobby before they realized it too had been partially destroyed, conforming with the eyewitness testimony of the firefighters.

Despite Saltalamacchia’s plea to stay out of harm’s way, Rodriguez ran back into the burning building in an attempt to save his colleagues.

“The amount of explosions I heard from 8:46 to the time we got out was so many — at least ten — it was just like multiple explosions to where I felt there was different grenades, that’s what it sounded like, like different grenades being set off in the building,” said Saltalamacchia.

“It was one major explosion and then there was different explosions throughout that period of time until we got out,” he added.

Numerous other WTC basement workers, including Felipe David and Salvatore Giambanco, have also gone public with eyewitness testimony concerning massive sub-level explosions that took place before Flight 11 hit the north tower.

WTC construction worker Phillip Morelli was headed for level B-4 in Tower One [north tower], four stories below ground, when he was thrown to the floor by a violent explosion that coincided with the plane hitting 100 floors above.

15-year WTC worker Marlene Cruz told Peter Jennings in an interview with ABC News that she was also rocked by an explosion in the basement level of the north tower.…

DOJ Urges Citizens To Report Extremists Handing Out Literature

Posted in 9/11, Alex Jones, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, Big Brother, Censorship, False Flag Terror, General, Kurt Nimmo, New World Order, News, Police State/Martial Law, Stupid Government Tricks, the 9/11 Files, Tyranny, Unconstitutional with tags , , , , on October 6, 2010 by truthwillrise

Kurt Nimmo
October 4, 2010

If you posted an Obama Joker poster or Tea Party literature on a public bulletin board, the Justice Department is warning you are a possible terrorist.

Click here to download the BJA hand-out.


According to a hand-out distributed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, a component of the Justice Department, “extremist literature distributed at the mall or posted on public bulletin boards” is suspicious and a potential indicator of terrorist activities.In other words, anybody who posted an poster near a mall should be reported to the authorities as a possible domestic terrorist. 

The Department of Homeland Security has designated returning veterans, Second Amendment activists, and members of state militias as “rightwing extremists” who are to be considered potential terrorists. The Missouri Information Analysis Center, under the direction of the DHS, expanded the list of possible terrorists to include supporters of Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin.

According to the BJA, extremists may be drawn to “radical bookstores, weapons dealers, campaign offices, and activist group centers.”

The BJA hand-out customized for shopping malls and centers is available for download from the Dallas Police Department.

“It is important to the Dallas Police Department that citizens are alert, vigilant and report suspicious activity. The importance is as critical today as it was immediately after the attacks of September 11, 2001 on the United States. We ask citizens to be aware of their surroundings and report suspicious activity. A quick accurate description of events can make a big difference in both Criminal and Terrorism related investigations,” a explains a page entitled “Suspicious Activity & Behaviors Indicators – Homeland Security” posted on the site.

Notice how crime and terrorism, according to the Dallas police, are inseparable. The Dallas Police Department did not come up with this “nexus” between crime and terrorism on its own. The connection was established by the State Department.

Posted in "Terrorism", 9/11, Alex Jones, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, Big Brother, False Flag Terror, International Bankers, New World Order, News, Stupid Government Tricks, the 9/11 Files with tags , , , , , , , on October 6, 2010 by truthwillrise

Catherine Herridge
Fox News
October 5, 2010

A document obtained and witnesses interviewed by Fox News raise new questions over whether there was an effort by the Defense Department to cover up a pre-9/11 military intelligence program known as “Able Danger.”

At least five witnesses questioned by the Defense Department’s Inspector General told Fox News that their statements were distorted by investigators in the final IG’s report — or it left out key information, backing up assertions that lead hijacker Mohammed Atta was identified a year before 9/11.

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Atta is believed to have been the ringleader of the Sept. 11 hijackers who piloted American Airlines Flight 11 into the World Trade Center. Claims about how early Atta first tripped the radar of the Department of Defense date back to 2005, but those claims never made it into the Inspector General’s report. The report was completed in 2006 and, until now, has been available only in a version with the names of virtually all of the witnesses blacked out.

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iPhone Game Slaughters Humans To Defend “Mother Earth”

Posted in Alex Jones, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, Economy, New World Order, News, Paul Watson with tags , , , , , on October 6, 2010 by truthwillrise

Latest shocking example of eco-fascism emphasizes global warming cult’s obsession with mass genocide and blood splattering death

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A popular new game for the iPhone depicts a giant worm slaughtering humans and knocking airplanes out of the sky to save “mother earth” in another shocking example of how the eco-fascists that have taken over the environmental movement are obsessed with mass genocide and gory death.

As I look out my window while typing this article, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the trees are swaying and the birds are singing, but according to the makers of Super Mega Worm, the planet was only like this many hundreds of years ago before humans started making evil machines that belched carbon dioxide.

During the opening sequence, the blue and green earth is shown to slowly turn into a brown and grey goop, with accompanying images of environmental destruction making clear that man is to blame for this non-existent phenomenon, followed by the words “Mother Earth is Dying”.

But fear not, because “her last defense has been unleashed,” in the form of a huge worm that chomps its way though children and women with baby strollers as blood splatters everywhere in a similar vein to the harrowing 10:10 Global climate change propaganda film that depicted people who refused to lower their carbon footprint being liquidated amidst an explosion of blood and guts.

The game, described as “fun and unique” by CNet, challenges the player to “destroy all humans” by maneuvering a giant earth worm with teeth and spikes from the soil, to the sky and even into space. The worm blows up cars and airplanes while either frying humans with its flame-throwing breath or simply eating them up.

The worm even has the ability to bounce into space and destroy the International Space Station, an example of how eco-mentalists are obsessed with returning the planet to the stone age and reversing hundreds of years of technological progress.

In light of the massive backlash the organizers of the 10:10 Global campaign suffered after the release of their vile and stomach-churning propaganda piece, it can no long be credibly argued that this kind of thing is a cutsie effort at educating people to become environmentally aware.

Imagine if Hamas had created an iPhone app where a giant creature marauds around gobbling up Jews as their innards and blood spray everywhere, do you think Apple would have allowed the game to appear in their store? And yet eco-mentalists are regularly promoting the genocide of the entire human race as if it’s a reasonable and rational proposal.

In reality, the re-emergence of eugenics disguised as environmentalism is embraced by some of the leading figures in the global warming movement, people like Bill Gates, who recently said that the vaccines his foundation funds for the third world are designed to lower global population.

One of the foremost gurus of this enviro-kill cult is Finnish ecologist Pentti Linkola, who has called for climate change deniers be “re-educated” in eco-gulags and that the vast majority of humans should be killed with the rest enslaved and controlled by a green police state, with people forcibly sterilized, cars confiscated and travel restricted to members of the elite.


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Linkola calls for forced abortions, while also adding that another world war would be “a happy occasion for the planet” because it would eradicate tens of millions of people. The environmentalist believes that only jackbooted tyranny can help to save mother earth from “the worst ideologies in the world” which he defines as “growth and freedom”.

Linkola’s creed is also embraced by NASA’s Dr. James Hansen, who endorsed a book written by fellow environmentalist Keith Farnish which called for acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to the agrarian age.

Another prominent figure in the climate change debate who exemplifies the violent and death-obsessed belief system of the movement is Dr. Eric R. Pianka, an American biologist based at the University of Texas in Austin. During a speech to the Texas Academy of Science in March 2006, Pianka advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the world’s population through the airborne ebola virus. The reaction from scores of top scientists and professors in attendance was not one of shock or revulsion – they stood and applauded Pianka’s call for mass genocide.

The current White House science czar John P. Holdren also advocates the most obscenely dictatorial, eco-fascist, and inhumane practices in the name of environmentalism. In his 1977 Ecoscience textbook, Holdren calls for a “planetary regime” to carry out forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, as well as drugging the water supply, in an effort to cull the human surplus.

There can no longer be any denial that the leaders of the global warming movement see mass genocide and totalitarian eco-fascism as their ultimate goal. These people literally have a death wish for their own species and wish to see bloodshed on a scale that would make Hitler, Stalin and Mao look like loving humanitarians in comparison.

Now that the fraud of global warming has been stripped away, its desperate adherents are bearing their teeth, and in turn unveiling to the world the true motivation of the climate change cult – mass slaughter on an unimaginable scale and draconian levels of control administered by a “planetary regime” that will completely enslave those of us who are allowed to continue to exist in this new eco-fascist hell.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.

October Surprise: Terror Hysteria Recycled In Election Ploy – Alex Jones Tv

Posted in "Terrorism", 9/11, Alex Jones, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, False Flag Terror,, New World Order, News with tags , , , , , , , on October 5, 2010 by truthwillrise

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 04, 2010

October Surprise: Terror Hysteria Recycled In Election Ploy

Paul Joseph Watson

October 4, 2010

The establishment media is giving full court press to announcements from US and European authorities that airport lobbies are being targeted for terror attacks in a recycled version of the laughable 2007 incident in which two mental deficients set fire to a jeep outside Glasgow airport, a non-event that authorities hyped beyond all recognition amidst a similar wave of hysteria to that which we’re witnessing now.

The October surprise has arrived, and it’s a contrived and cynical ploy to frighten Americans into putting their trust back in the government by waving the familiar boogeyman of the outside threat.

“Among the possible targets in the suspected European terror plot are pre-security areas in at least five major European airports, a law enforcement official told ABC News. Authorities believe terror teams are preparing to mount a commando like attack featuring small units and small firearms modeled after the Mumbai attack two years ago.”

Constant references to the Mumbai attack, transport hubs, airport lobbies and other “soft target” chatter provide a reasonably clear indication as to who is really behind the ceaseless intensity of terror fearmongering we’ve been subjected to over the last week.

Since it ultimately emerged that the mastermind behind the Mumbai massacre was CIA agent David Headley, warnings from the same intelligence agencies about similar attacks being planned should be treated as a direct threat. Throughout the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, the Central Intelligence Agency played a key role in Operation Gladio, a program of false flag terror attacks on soft targets that were designed to demonize political opposition and “force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security,” according to the testimony of Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra.

In 2000, an Italian Senate investigation found that the 1980 Bologna train bombing, which killed 85 people, was carried out by “men inside Italian state institutions and … men linked to the structures of United States intelligence.”

In attempting to “force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security,” the establishment hopes to derail the momentum of Tea Party candidates like Rand Paul and Sharron Angle, whose entire campaigns are built on the premise of turning away from the state and giving power back to the individual. Manipulating voters by threatening terror worked for the Republicans in 2004, but the Democrats might have to go a step further if they hope to use it as a deciding factor in 2010.

The threat of airport lobbies being targeted is another giveaway. The last time this occurred was in summer 2007, when two amateur mental deficients, described as “Krazy Klown jihadis” by bomb experts, set fire to some petrol outside Glasgow airport in a pathetic attempt to stage a terror attack.

Although people like former Scotland Yard detective John O’Connor described the botched attacks as “hopeless,” “incompetent” “almost laughable,” and amounting to nothing more than a bonfire, while others labeled the incident “slapstick idiocy,” the corporate media reacted in exactly the same way they’re behaving now, by ludicrously overhyping the incident as some kind of deadly Al-Qaeda wave of terror.

Never forget that the media and the government have been totally discredited over and over again by their complicity in issuing phony terror alerts designed to manipulate elections and frighten the public into slavish acquiescence. Just as former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge admitted that DHS would issue fake terror alerts shortly before elections in a bid to influence the outcome during the Bush era, the Obama administration is mimicking the same tactic.

The reality is that accident causing deer, peanut allergies and swimming pools are all more likely to seal your fate than a terrorist attack.

As Ohio State University’s John Mueller concludes in a report entitled A False Sense Of Insecurity, “For all the attention it evokes, terrorism actually causes rather little damage and the likelihood that any individual will become a victim in most places is microscopic.”

But the sensationalist media, the power hungry government and the salivating “experts” who head up profitable anti-terror companies all need to feed the beast and they’ll exploit every morsel on offer.…

Big Secrets of The NWO – Alex Jones Tv

Posted in Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, General,, International Bankers, Poison Foods and Products,, Sodium Fluoride with tags , , , , , on September 28, 2010 by truthwillrise

TheAlexJonesChannel | September 27, 2010

Pentagon destroys thousands of copies of Army officer’s memoir

Posted in "Terrorism", 9/11, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, Censorship, False Flag Terror, Multi-National Corporations, New World Order, News, Shadow Government, Stupid Government Tricks with tags , , , , , , , , on September 27, 2010 by truthwillrise

Chris Lawrence and Padma Rama
September 26, 2010

The Department of Defense recently purchased and destroyed thousands of copies of an Army Reserve officer’s memoir in an effort to safeguard state secrets, a spokeswoman said Saturday.

“DoD decided to purchase copies of the first printing because they contained information which could cause damage to national security,” Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Col. April Cunningham said.

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In a statement to CNN, Cunningham said defense officials observed the September 20 destruction of about 9,500 copies of Army Reserve Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer’s new memoir “Operation Dark Heart.”

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Max Keiser: Return to The Gold Standard? – The Alex Jones Show

Posted in Alex Jones, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, economic tyranny, End The Fed, Fiat Currency, International Bankers, International Monetary Fund, Max Keiser, Multi-National Corporations, New World Order, News, with tags , , , , , , , , , , on September 21, 2010 by truthwillrise

TheAlexJonesChannel | September 20, 2010

Alex welcomes back to the show film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader Max Keiser. Max is the host of On the Edge, a program of news and analysis and he also hosts Keiser Report, a financial tabloid. Keiser formerly hosted The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News. Keiser correctly predicted the 2008 collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, that sub-prime mortgage-backed securities would be the cause of the economic crisis beginning in 2008, and also predicted the banker sabotage of Iceland’s economy.

Civil Rights Photographer Unmasked as Informer

Posted in Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, Big Brother, News, Police State/Martial Law, Tyranny with tags , , , , , , , on September 20, 2010 by truthwillrise

The New York Times
September 17, 2010

ATLANTA — That photo of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. riding one of the first desegregated buses in Montgomery, Ala.? He took it. The well-known image of black sanitation workers carrying “I Am a Man” signs in Memphis? His. He was the only photojournalist to document the entire trial in the murder of Emmett Till, and he was there in Room 306 of the Lorraine Hotel, Dr. King’s room, on the night he was assassinated.

But now an unsettling asterisk must be added to the legacy of Ernest C. Withers, one of the most celebrated photographers of the civil rights era: He was a paid F.B.I. informer.

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On Sunday, The Commercial Appeal in Memphis published the results of a two-year investigation that showed Mr. Withers, who died in 2007 at age 85, had collaborated closely with two F.B.I. agents in the 1960s to keep tabs on the civil rights movement. It was an astonishing revelation about a former police officer nicknamed the Original Civil Rights Photographer, whose previous claim to fame had been the trust he engendered among high-ranking civil rights leaders, including Dr. King.

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Bomb-Plot Witness Says FBI Sent Him to Terrorist Camp

Posted in "Terrorism", 9/11, Attack on Freedom, Attack on the Republic, the 9/11 Files with tags , , , , , on September 20, 2010 by truthwillrise

September 19, 2020

The confidential informant at the center of the case against four men accused of plotting to bomb New York City synagogues testified that the Federal Bureau of Investigation sent him to Pakistan in 2008 to attend a terrorist training camp.

The informant, Shahed Hussain, told a jury in New York today he went to his native country in December of that year to meet someone at the camp. He didn’t identify the organization running the camp or discuss the result of the investigation.

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“Are you a terrorist?” defense lawyer Susanne Brody asked Hussain in cross-examination.

“No ma’am,” he responded.

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